It took a while to fully accept that life really is a big chaotic mess and, as individuals, we have very little actual control over that mess. It helped that I always had a goal to focus on - there was college for a while and relationships with the ladies. And when there weren't goals to focus on there were friends to hang out with and good times to be had. Then I woke up one day last year and realized I was 32 and had made almost no impression on the world. If I was suddenly blinked out of existence there would be no tangible effect outside of some friends and family who'd be upset for a while.
I'm unmarried, single, have no children, no savings, and very few personal belongings. I rent an apartment and mean absolutely nothing to the company I work for other than being a warm body to sit in front of a computer for 8 hours a day. Outside of my friends and family I'm virtually invisible, socially and economically.
So that's where I'm at with my life right now. I've wasted the last 5 years waiting for opportunities that didn't exist to fall in my lap and settling for mediocrity. I am everything I don't like about other people.
I'd like to say it'd be easy to give up and resign myself to a life of what-ifs and self-pity but it wouldn't be. I've never felt pity for anyone who whines about circumstances they put themselves in and I'm not a big enough hypocrite to make an exception for myself. And I can't settle for this lifestyle anymore when I know there's a better life out there I'm not living. Every day I stay in this horrible, depressing city means a missed opportunity or experience somewhere else. I'm not ready to start dying when I haven't finished being born yet. (I'd love to take credit for that last sentence but I was totally paraphrasing Bob Dylan there.)